1:00 PM13:00

75th Year of Palestinian Nakba

Event times:
8:00 -9:30 PM Palestine
7:00 - 8:30 PM France
6:00 - 7:30 PM Ireland and the UK
1:00 - 2:30 PM USA EDT
10:00 - 11:30 AM USA Pacific

The Palestine-Global Mental Health Network

invites you to

Palestinian Collective Memory:
75 Years of Nakba and Resistance

Join us for a narration of Palestinian history and a celebration of Palestinian steadfastness and resistance against Zionist settler colonialism

Join us
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 831 6794 8768
Passcode: 679484

Participants in alphabetical order are:

Ms. Jeanine Hourani is a Palestinian organizer, writer and researcher. She is an ESRC-funded PhD candidate at the University of Exeter – her research explores the intersections of resistance and mental health for Palestinian women. Jeanine is also a member of the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), Britain.
Ms. Asrar Kayal is a Palestinian researcher in community psychology, and an intern educational psychologist. Mainly interested in researching psychological well-being in colonial contexts; education and intra-community crimes among the colonized in particular. Provides educational- psychological services in the East-Jerusalem area via both the public and private sectors.   Originally from Al-Birwa displaced village, raised in Kufr-Yasif village- both are located in the Galeeli area in the north of the Palestinian lands occupied in 1948, and currently living in Jerusalem. 
Dr. Lama Khouri (she/her) is a psychoanalyst, a Clinical Supervisor at the Arab American Family Support Center, and a member of the founding Steering Committee of the Palestine-Global Mental Health Network (Pal-Global). Lama previously had a long career at the United Nations and since then has been a practitioner in mental health, an organizer of clinical services for students who were newly arrived Arab immigrants, and a scholar/ activist for Palestinian rights. Her work in support of the people of Palestine has appeared in diverse settings, from academic psychoanalytic journals to panel presentations in popular media. She is on the Advisory Council of the USA-Palestine Mental Health Network; a member of the Board of Directors of the Gaza Mental Health Foundation; and the Board of Section V of the American Psychological Association.
Ms Rozeen Marjieh is an Educational Psychologist, a member of the Palestine-Global Mental Health Network. She works with school staff on raising awareness of how the psychology of oppression shapes education, mental and social health of Palestinian children. Ms. Merjieh main interest is in developing psycho-educational programs that combine Western knowledge with Palestinian educational heritage. She also works, independently, in various schools across the country and in her clinic in Haifa. Ms. Marjieh is from Nazareth, and lives in Haifa.
Ms. Rawan Nemer graduated with honors from the University of Southern California with a BA double majoring in Middle East Studies and Political Science and a minor in Arabic. She is a museum translator and researcher living in Ramallah, where with her husband she helped write the collection of resources for organizers and those wishing to learn more about Palestine that is While in the US, she was president of her local Students for Justice in Palestine chapter, where she helped lead cross-coalition actions, and in Palestine she has worked with feminist organizations and other working groups.   


Dr. Lara Sheehi (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at the George Washington University’s Professional Psychology Program where she is the founding faculty director of the Psychoanalysis and the Arab World Lab. Lara’s work takes up decolonial and anti-oppressive approaches to psychoanalysis, with a focus on liberation struggles in the Global South. She is co-author with Stephen Sheehi of Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine (Routledge, 2022) which won the Middle East Monitor's 2022 Palestine Book Award for Best Academic Book. Lara is the President of the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (APA, Division 39), co-editor of Studies in Gender and Sexuality and co-editor of Counterspace in Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. Lara is also a contributing editor to the Psychosocial Foundation’s Parapraxis Magazine and on the advisory board for the USA-Palestine Mental Health Network and Psychoanalysis for Pride.

Dr. Stephen Sheehi: (اسطفان شيحا-he/him) is Sultan Qaboos Professor of Middle East Studies in the Asian and Middle East Studies Program (AMES) and the Director of Asian and Pacific Islander Studies Program (APIA) at William & Mary, Virginia USA. He is also the Director of the Decolonizing Humanities Project. Having published on psychoanalysis, Arab photography, and Islamophobia and racism, he is, most recently, co-author of Palestine: Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine with Lara Sheehi (Routledge, 2022), which has won the Palestine Book Award for Best 2022 Academic Book on Palestine; and Camera Palaestina: Photography and Displaced Histories, co-authored with Salim Tamari and Issam Nassar (University of California Press, Fall, 2022). He and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian are co-editing a special issue of State Crime Journal,  “Settler-Colonialism As State-Crime: Abolitionist Perspectives” (December 2022).

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12:00 PM12:00

Kickoff Campaign #FreeAhmadManasra

The Palestine-Global Mental Health Network

invites you to participate in the

kickoff Campaign


#Free Ahmad Manasra

We are honored to be joined by Ahmad's parents and many other prominent professionals in mental health, human rights, and international law.

Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian will moderate the meeting:


March 12, 2022


19:00 Palestine Time

17:00 UK Time

12:00 USA EST

9:00 USA PT

Zoom link

For background to this struggle, click here.


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3:00 PM15:00

Invitation to Online Film Salon

Gaza is still there. The blockades and bombings and deprivations are still there. The wounds and scars - physical, psychological, and structural - are still there. Seventy-five percent of Gazans are less than 25 years old. What is their future? What is our responsibility?

Invitation to Online Film Salon

Voices from the Holy Land, in conjunction with USA Palestine Mental Health Network and Palestine-Global Mental Health Network, invites you to our twenty-first monthly Online Film Salon to be held on Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 3 pm ET/12 noon Pacific Time/10pm Palestine Time. Participants will discuss the documentary film Gaza: Still Alive. Please watch this film for free at your convenience and then join us for the online Q&A discussion.

Dr. Samah Jabr – Psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Head of the Mental Health Unit of the Palestinian Ministry of Health
Harry Fear – Independent journalist and filmmaker
Dr. Elizabeth Berger (moderator) – Child Psychiatrist, founding/steering committee member of the USA Palestine Mental Health Network

You must register to participate.

How this will work:
1 - Register here for the Voices from the Holy Land Online Film Salon:

2 – Once you register, you will get a confirmation email from Zoom with a link to the meeting and a link with to watch the film. (Save this confirmation letter as the meeting link is unique to your email and you must have this to participate.)

3 - Watch the film at your convenience before the event. Then join us with your thoughts and questions for our speakers at the Q&A Discussion on January 9, 2022 at 3 pm ET/ 12 noon PT

About Gaza: Still Alive
When you think of Gaza, you may think of war and destroyed buildings, of economic hardships, the strangling siege, the high unemployment rate, the poverty and deprivation—but less often do we see the deprivation that is the invisible, unmet needs for psychological support for a population so in need of it. “Gaza: Still Alive” focuses on difficult questions. What is the effect on a Palestinian child’s mental health when they learn that they’re living in an open-air prison, unlike most children in the world? How has a 15-year siege and its wars impacted Gazans as individuals? How has it affected their mental health and life’s course? And what does the unceasing stress and trauma bode for Palestinians’ future as a society, and for humankind’s collective future?

Watch the Trailer:

Please share this announcement with your friends, family, and community. Download the event flyer and post it to your social media.

Download the event flyer here. (Download the jpg version here)
Download information about the Panelists and moderator here. (Download the jpg version here)

For questions & comments please contact us at
Visit our website at
Join us at

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11:00 AM11:00

Gaza Children’s Mental Health, Under Siege & Under the Bombs

Event time:

11 am USA EDT
5pm Palestine time
3pm UK time

Under Siege & Under Bombs:
Children's Mental Health in Gaza  

A special program brought to us by the
Palestinian - Christian Alliance for Peace.

Click here to register.

There will be a discussion panel of experts:
Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei, Gaza Community Mental Health Program

Dr. William Slaughter, Gaza Mental Health Foundation, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Jasem Humeid, Psychology Program, Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City

Moderated by Dr. Rukhsana Chaudhry, Director of American Muslim Health Professionals, George Washington University, Dept. of Clinical Psychology

This event is open to the public but you MUST register in advance. For inquiries contact Philip Farah;

Co-Sponsored by: USA Palestine Mental Health Network, UK Palestine Mental Health Network, Palestine-Israel Network of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, United Church of Christ Palestine-Israel Network, United Methodist Kairos Response, and the Presbyterian Church USA Israel Palestine Mission Network.

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Violent crime in a colonial context: understanding the rise in homicides in the Palestinian community in the lands occupied in 1948

5.45pm (Pal time)
3.45pm (UK time)
10:45am (EDT US)

Violent crime in a colonial context:
understanding the rise in homicides in the Palestinian community in the lands occupied in 1948
Asrar Kayyal

Join Meeting

During the past decade, the number of homicides has risen sharply among Palestinians of the lands occupied in 1948. The regime tries to sustain a racialized, colonial explanation in terms of "violent Arabs" - a narrative echoed by the international media. This presentation will offer an alternative approach, utilising critical and community psychological perspectives and locating this phenomenon in its socio-historical and political context.

Particularly, this presentation tries to re-define "crime" by considering the psychological implications of "deprivation", in general, and of "deprivation of resources and productivity" in particular, for the lived reality of colonized peoples and communities. In addition it explores how the "social control" mechanisms adopted by the colonial state impact on the community psychologically, and suggests that they contribute directly to the increase in violent crime.

Asrar Kayyal is a 32 years old Palestinian woman, an intern educational psychologist and researcher in community psychology. She is mainly interested in researching psychological well-being in colonial contexts, and education and violence among the colonized in particular. Asrar provides educational-psychological services in the East-Jerusalem area via both public and private sectors.

Originally from Al-Birwa displaced Palestinian village, raised in Kufr-Yasif village, (both are located in the Galilee area in the north of the Palestinian lands occupied in 1948), Asrar currently lives in Jerusalem.

The meeting will be chaired by Dr Said Shehadeh. Said is a Jaffe-born clinical psychologist now based in New York. Since completing his doctorate at Rutgers University, he has held posts both in the USA and Palestine, including as an assistant professor at the Social and Behavioral Science Department in Birzeit University. Additionally, he served as a clinician at the Birzeit University’s Counseling Center and at the Palestine Red Crescent Society in Ramallah. His clinical and research interests include the indigenization of psychotherapy for Arab populations, as well as the psychopolitics of settler-colonialism in Palestine.

Both Asrar and Said are active members of the Palestine Global Mental Health Network.

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to Sep 7

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme 8th International Conference

This announcement is on behalf of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program.

The Gaza Community Mental Health Programme invites you to attend the 8th International Conference via zoom


“Mental Health in Gaza Strip: An Area Populated by Refugees”


September 5, 6, and 7 2021


10:00 am Palestine Time
8:00 am UK Time
6:00 am US EDT

The conference aims to open a space for research papers and practical experiences related to Gaza context in the last 2 years to be presented and discussed amidst the participation of national and international specialists working in the sectors of mental health and human rights.

The conference is based on three themes: the socioeconomic conditions in the Gaza strip; Mental health conditions of the population in Gaza; MHPSS services/interventions available in the Gaza Strip; gaps to be bridged.

Please enter the following link for 


You will receive the conference agenda and all relevant documents through your registration on the link above.


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7:30 PM19:30

سلسلة الندوات الحوارية في علم النفس التحرّريّ وسايكولوجية الإنسان المقهور

من أجل اكتساب معرفة نفسية جديدة من الضروري أن ننخرط في ممارسة جديدة، في نشاط يحوِّل الواقع ويسمح لنا أن نعرفه ليس فقط فيما هو عليه، بل أيضا فيما هو ليس كذلك، وبذلك نتمكن من محاولة تحويله إلى ما ينبغي أن يكون عليه. -إجناسيو مارتن بارو

 تتشرف الشبكة الفلسطينية العالمية للصحة النفسية بدعوتكم/ن
للقاء الحادي عشر من سلسلة ندوات علم النفس التحرري والنقدي، بعنوان:

تجليات العنف الاستعماري باعتباره أداة تطويعية، وآثاره على الحالة التمكينية للشعب الفلسطيني

 والذي نستضيف فيه
الدكتورة لينا ميعاري – أستاذ مساعد وعضو هيئة أكاديمية في دائرة العلوم الاجتماعية والسلوكية - جامعة بيرزيت

ستناقش الندوة الأبعاد النفسية-السياسية للاستعمار، وكيف يمكن أن يكون هناك دور لعلم النفس التحرري، وموقعه خاصةً في الصروح التعليمية، مع فئة الشباب

نلقاكم مساء يوم الأربعاء الموافق 25\8\2021 الساعة 7:30 بتوقيت القدس – فلسطين عبر منصة الزووم على الرابط المرفق

Rana Nashashibi is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PGMHN Seminars

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 896 7250 2104

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: The Challenges and Dilemmas facing mental health care activists during the last assault on Gaza

5.45pm (Pal time)
3.45pm (UK time)
10:45am (EDT US)

"The Challenges and Dilemmas facing mental health care activists
during the last assault on Gaza
(and the violent responses to protest in other parts of Palestine)"
Rozeen Marjieh

Join Meeting

Rozeen Marjieh, educational psychologist and mental health care activist, member Palestine Global Mental Health Network.

Drawing on her experiences in responding to the impact of recent events on the psychological well-being of children and teachers in particular, Rozeen will describe some of the novel community initiatives undertaken by Palestinian mental health workers in response to the May crisis. She will question whether mainstream psychological models of care are appropriate and helpful in meeting the needs of the Palestinian community, arguing the need to model our work instead on the teachings of liberation psychology. Giving examples from her work within 48 Palestine, she will address questions of normality and abnormality, oppression and depression, and the need to support feelings of agency.

The Cafe will open with live music at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)

The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK) / 6.00pm (Palestine)

The whole event is expected to finish at about 5.30pm (UK) / 7.30pm (Palestine)

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات
إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي
ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب

ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

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1:15 PM13:15

Café Palestine: Imprisonment without Trial

8:15 pm Palestine daylight saving time
6:15 pm UK daylight saving time
1:15 pm EDT
+++The new time is a one-off that has been agreed with our colleagues in Palestine taking into account Ramadan+++

‘Imprisonment without Trial:
Purposes, consequences and Palestinian resistance’

Sahar Francis, Director of Addameer,
and Dr Samah Jabr

Join Meeting 


The Cafe will open with music at 6.15pm (UK) / 8.15pm (Pal)
The discussion will start at 6.30pm (UK) / 8.30pm (Pal)
The event is expected to finish at about 8.00pm (UK) / 10.00pm (Pal)

This event will be chaired by Lama Khouri, (Palestine Global Mental Health Network)

Sahar and Samah will discuss “administrative detention”, the stark violation of the right to a fair trial that forms part of Israel’s apartheid apparatus designed to control and delegitimize the Palestinian people. They will consider the psychological impact of this inhumane practice, and the strategies employed by prisoners to resist.

In recent years, Palestinian prisoners and detainees have resorted to hunger strikes to protest unjust Israeli detention policies and cruel prison conditions, including the use of solitary confinement, denial of family visits, medical negligence and torture.

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب

ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via WhatsApp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the WhatsApp Arabic translation group.

Sahar Francis:

Sahar Francis is the Director of Ramallah-based Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, a Palestinian NGO providing legal and advocacy support to Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons since 2006. She joined the association in 1998, first as a human rights lawyer, then as head of the Legal Unit. Sahar specializes in issues of Palestinian political prisoners, and has extensive experience litigating in the Israeli Supreme Court and Israeli military court system. Sahar worked on other human rights issues in the Society of Saint Yves in Jerusalem, also in 1997, she worked at Badil Refugee Rights Center.

Samah Jaber:

Dr. Samah Jaber is the Head of Mental Health Unit in the Palestinian Ministry of Health and a clinical assistant professor at George Washington University. She is an experienced psychiatrist and psychotherapist practicing in the public and the private sectors within Palestine, human right activist and a writer, with a demonstrated history of working in mental health services. Skilled in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, Clinical Research, and clinical prevision. Dr, Samah is a graduated from the School of Medicine at Al Quds University and has pursued advanced training in psychiatry and child psychotherapy in France, England and Palestine

Other links

1. Film “Derrieres les Fronts” and Khader Adnan

This Café meeting may include extracts from this excellent documentary. Built around the writings of Dr Samah Jabr, Derrieres Les Fronts includes interviews with one of the prisoners, Khader Adnan, who has refused food over extended periods of time in protesting their imprisonment without trial. The full film can be viewed on Vimeo for £4 (UK):

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Living Liberation

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
10:45 USA EDT

Living Liberation: Histories of Palestinian Anti-Colonialism Since 1948
With Professor Abdul Razzaq Takriti

Join Meeting

Palestine is often viewed through the lens of victimhood. In contrast, this talk offers an invitation to approach it from the standpoint of liberation. It discusses the ways in which Palestinian women and men responded to the structures of colonial settlement, expulsion, dispossession, violence – and discursive as well as physical erasure – through emancipatory anti-colonial practices and imaginaries.

Engaging the writings and oral testimonies of Palestinian revolutionaries, it will provide an overview of the trajectories of the Palestinian struggle in the post-1948 Nakba period, probing how the pursuit of justice enabled a people bearing the hefty burden of colonialism to produce flourishing structures, cultures, and social bonds of resistance.

The talk will also present some of the challenges brought about by the contemporary dismantlement of representative Palestinian structures, and the role of countries like Britain in this process. Without ignoring the enormous pressures produced by accumulated experiences of oppression, it cautions against western human rights frameworks (and the psychiatric narratives that derive from them) that pathologize individual suffering under colonialism, insisting instead on forms of solidarity that center the affirming power of collective quests for dignity and freedom.

Abdel Razzaq Takriti is a Palestinian organiser and historian. He is Associate Professor, Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Arab History, and Director of the Arab-American Educational Foundation Center for Arab Studies at the University of Houston. He is the co-author, with Karma Nabulsi, of the Palestinian Revolution website, which received the 2020 Middle East Studies Association of North America Undergraduate Education Award.

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7:30 PM19:30

سلسلة الندوات الحوارية في علم النفس التحرّريّ وسايكولوجية الإنسان المقهور

"مهِنِّي (إنهم) قَطَعُو نَفَسُه للبيت... ما قالتلي أَنْقِبِر في البيت، انْقَبَرِتْ وصرت أكره بيتي... فرشتي... لحافي..."

عادل، 15 سنة

"أهلي طاعوا أوامرهم... حوّلو بيتنا لمركز اعتقال.... وعالمي لمُعْتَقَل..."

لؤي، 16 سنة

تتشرف الشبكة الفلسطينية العالمية للصحة النفسيّة

للّقاء السابع من سلسلة ندوات علم النفس التحرّري والنقديّ

أصواتُ الأطفالِ الفلسطينيين/ات ضدَّ السِّجنِ البيْتيّ

البيتُ كمُعْتَقَلٍ، والطفولةُ كحيِّزٍ للحَوْكَمَةِ الاستيطانيّةِ الاستعماريّة


تقدم المحاضرة بروفيسورة نادرة شلهوب- كيفوركيان- اخصائية في علم الجريمة، وسيحاورها الطبيب النفسي د. ياسر أبو جامع مدير عام برنامج غزة للصحة في هذا اللقاء سنتطرق لقضايا العنف الاستعماري الاستيطاني الممنهج الذي تمارسه سلطات الاحتلال بحق الأطفال الفلسطينيين/ات: السِّجنُ البيْتيُّ نموذجً النفسية والمهتم ببناء قدرات البرامج والضغط والمناصرة

اللقاء مفتوح لجميع المهتمين/ات، وخاصة العاملين/ات مع الأطفال الفلسطينيين/ات على جميع الأصعدة. ويهدف لإيصال تجارب واصوات الأطفال القابعين والمتحدين لمنظومة الاحتلال واستعماره الاستيطاني.

ملاحظة: مرفق ادبيات خاصة بالندوة للاطلاع

نادرة شلهوب- كيفوركيان، الفصل الرابع: أماكنُ بيوتٍ مسكونةٍ  .1  Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N. (2015). Security Theology, Surveillance and the Politics of Fear (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society). Cambridge University Press. 

نادرة شلهوب- كيفوركيان، الطفولة: استخدام إسرائيل اعتقال الأطفال واحتجازهم لتعزيز مشروعها الاستيطاني - من منظور عالمي  . 2   Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N. (2015a). Childhood: A Universalist Perspective for How Israel is using Child Arrest and Detention to further its Colonial Settler Project. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 12(3), 223–244.

انضموا إلينا على الرابط

Topic: الندوة السابعة في علم النفس التحرري

Time: Feb 24, 2021 07:15 PM Jerusalem


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 833 4497 5136

Passcode: 440079

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Narratives of Palestinian Women Political Prisoners

Event time

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
10:45 USA EST

Conversation with Prof Samah Saleh and Victoria Brittain

Join Meeting

In her presentation for the first half of Cafe Palestine, Samah Sameh will share her extensive research into the particular issues for Palestinian women prisoners, from arrest and interogation to incarceration and to their experiences after release. She has conducted interviews with women who were imprisoned at different periods from the 1970's onwards which provide rich insights into the changes in women's lives as well as within the political environment. In the second half, Victoria Brittain, who has written extensively on women and children in conflict zones as well as on the films of Mai Masri will introduce a brief extract from 3,000 Nights, a film by Mai Masri about women's imprisonment. Victoria will discuss the making of the film. She and Samah will reflect on the issues arising from the film.

Samah Saleh is Associate Professor at An Najah University in Nablus where she is Head of Sociology and Social Work and Co-ordinator of Women's Studies. Her doctorate research was on Experiences of Palestinian Women's Incarceration in Israeli prisons

Victoria Brittain is a British writer and journalist who has written widely on Human Rights and Politics in the Middle East and beyond. She has been closely associated with UK Palestine Mental Health Network. Her most recent book is Love and Resistance in the films of Mai Masri

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes


نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب


ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

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10:00 AM10:00

Yoa'd Ghanardy-Hakim at the Whilliam Alanson White Institute

The Technology and Global Learning Committee

Perspectives from Around the World

Confronting Racism and Discrimination

Dr. Yoa’d Ghanardy-Hakim


Dr. Lara Sheehi

Event Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021, at 10:00 US EST

Register Here

Dr. Yoa'd Ghanadry-Hakim is a clinical psychologist and supervisor and has been active in the field of mental health in Palestine for 25 years. Specializing in trauma, abuse, and severe mental health problems, she works at the Palestinian Counseling Center in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank and is head of the Arab Union of Psychologists, Israel. A human rights activist, Yoa’d has been a technical consultant for the Psychosocial Support Program for Palestinian Refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, in the Near East, West Bank, and is a founding and steering committee member of the Palestinian Global Mental Health Network.

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10:00 AM10:00

Yoad Ghanardy-Hakim at the Whilliam Alanson White Institute


رابطة السايكولوجيين العرب ومعهد وليام الانسون وايت

(William Alanson White Institute) في مدينة نيويورك


سلسلته التي تجمع أصوات المعالجين و المعالجات من كل العالم لنقاش العنصرية و التمييز و الاخر

الضيفة الخاصة لمحاضرة هذا الشهر، هي الاختصاصية النفسية يعاد غنادري-حكيم رئيسة الهيئة الادارية للرابطة.
وستحاورها المعالجة والمحللة النفسية د.لارا شيحا من لبنا

نلتقي يوم السبت القريب السادس من شباط في الساعة الخامسة مساءا بتوقيت فلسطين.

يبث الحدث الكترونيا وهو مجاني و مفتوح للجميع, يمكنكم التسجيل من خلال النقر على الرابط المرفق:

Registration link:

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7:30 PM19:30

سلسلة الندوات الحوارية في علم النفس التحرّريّ وسايكولوجية الإنسان المقهور

لقاء حواريّ تشاركيّ للتفاكر والتأمل الجماعي

غالبًا ما تجد أولئك الذين يُناضلون من أجل الحرية مُحاطين دائمًا بجو التعليم البنكيّ ولا يستطيعون أن يميّزوا خطورته في استلاب انسانية الإنسان، بل من الغريب أن نجدهم يستخدمون نفس الوسيلة التي يستهدفون محاربتها... والحقيقة أنهم لا يستطيعون تعليم الإنسان بتغريبه، فالحرية ليست شيئًا إضافيًا يودع في عقول الناس، بل هي ممارسة أو استجابة واعية نحو العالم من أجل تغييره.

( "باولو فريري، من "تعليم المقهورين بتصرُّف)

تتشرف الشبكة الفلسطينية العالمية للصحة النفسيّة بدعوتكم\ن للّقاء السادس من سلسلة ندوات علم النفس التحرّري والنقديّ

دعوة إلى لقاء حواريّ تشاركيّ للتفاكر والتأمل الجماعي في الندوات السابقة وللنظر في احتياجاتنا لما هو قادم 

ويحاول اللقاء الوقوف عند الاحتياجات التي تم طرحها في لقاءات سابقة والنظر في ما تم التجاوب معه منها، وما المرجو تناوله في لقاءات قادمة بحسب ما نراه جميعًا كمقدّمي ومقدّمات خدمات في مجال الصحة في المجتمع الفلسطيني. 

اللقاء مفتوح لمشاركة أفكاركم\ن وتساؤلاتكم\ن ومقترحاتكم\ن للقاءات القادمة بالنظر لاحتياجات مجتمعنا وسعيًا لصياغة أسئلتنا وإجاباتنا كجماعة تسعى لتحرر من آليات قمعنا. 

نراكم\ن على خير ونتوق لمشاركتم\ن.

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 831 5760 2950 

Passcode: 277664 

One tap mobile 

+13126266799,,83157602950#,,,,*277664# US (Chicago) 

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       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

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       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) 

Meeting ID: 831 5760 2950 

Passcode: 277664 

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Popular Resistance and the Refugee Experience”

Event time

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
10:45 USA EDT

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

Conversation with Munther Amira,
Human Rights Defender direct from Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem

Join Meeting

At our first Café event in 2021 we will be privileged to hear from Human Rights Defender Munther Amira, direct from Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. Munther is a refugee who lives and works in the camp, where he was born. He is the Board Director of the camp's Youth Centre, established in 1968, a social worker, and formerly the General Secretary of the Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists. He is also co-ordinator of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee.

In our conversation, Munther will talk about life in Aida camp, and about how the meaning of occupation emerges from the history of the camp and the experiences of its residents. This will include the story of the Key of Return, which Munther accompanied to the Berlin Art Biennale in 2012.

Munther will explain how, in the face of the incessant violence of the Occupation, he and others respond with an activism based on an ideology of popular, non-violent resistance. In 2017, Munther was given an annual award for popular struggle by Youth Against Settlements.

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

Munther arrested

Munther arrested

Munther facing soldiers

Munther facing soldiers

Tear gas

Tear gas

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7:00 PM19:00

سلسلة الندوات الحوارية في علم النفس التحرّريّ وسايكولوجية الإنسان المقهور

تتشرّف الشبكة الفلسطينيّة العالمية للصحة النفسيّة باستضافة

بروفيسور مصطفى حجازي

التخلف الإجتماعي: مدخل الى سيكولوجية الإنسان المقهور

اللقاء الخامس من سلسلة ندوات علم النفس التحرّري وسيكولوجيا الإنسان المقهور

2020 يوم الخميس الموافق 17 من كانو الأول

( في تمام الساعة السابعة مساءً (19:00)

وذلك من خلال رابط الزوم

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 0385 9322

Passcode: 749199

One tap mobile

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+16699009128,,87303859322#,,,,,,0#,,749199# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 873 0385 9322

Passcode: 749199

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Broken Homes, Broken Families

Event time

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
10:45 USA EDT

Broken Homes, Broken Families:
supporting families whose homes have been demolished

Rema Saleh and Dima Tadros

Join Meeting


In this last Café Palestine of 2020 we focus on the destruction of people’s homes that so epitomise the brutal nature of Israel’s control of Palestine and its people. We welcome Remal Salah and Dima Tadros from the Palestine Councelling Centre to discuss the support they provide to families who have experienced this unimaginable assault. The meeting will be chaired by Linda Ramsden, Director of ICAHD-UK.

Remal Salah is a Senior Psychologist, professional supervisor, and trainer at thePalestinian Counseling Center. Remal has over 20 years of experience in psychological first aid and emergency response in Palestine. Remal holds two Master degrees in Art Therapy and in Psychological and Educational Counseling, as well as a Higher Diploma in Clinical and Community Supervision. 

Dima Tadros is a programs development officer and trainer at the Palestinian Counseling Centre. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Social Work at Bethlehem University.

Linda Ramsden is the Director of ICAHD UK which supports the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). For over twenty years ICAHD has been opposing Israel’s cruel, tragic demolition policies that are a gross violation of international law and that have effected hundreds of thousands of Palestinians lives. During 2020 while the coronavirus pandemic has swept through the region, ICAHD has witnessed one of Israel’s largest campaigns of home demolitions since its work began.

“Broken Homes”, a report prepared by PCC in conjunction with Save the Children called Broken Homes can be found here:

Explore the icahd website for analysis, statistics, activism and videos on this subject . 

‘We are scared all the time, just scared, all the time scared”:

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes


نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب


ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

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10:45 PM22:45


Event time

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
10:45 USA EDT


Az Theatre

Discussion with

Jamal Al-Rozzi, Hossam Almadhoun, Jonathan Chadwick

linking UK and Gaza

 Join Meeting

The next Café on Saturday 28th November (4pm UK / 6pm Palestine) presents an exciting project that has cultural, therapeutic and political importance. Jonathan Chadwick, director of Az Theatre in the UK, has for many years collaborated on projects with Gaza’s Theatre for Everybody run by Hossam Madhoun and Jamal Al Rozzi. Hossam and Jamal coordinate drama and other therapy programmes for traumatised children. Jonathan, Hossam and Jamal will speak about their plans to rebuild the Al Mishal Cultural Centre in Gaza and perform The Emigrants, a play by Stanislaw Mrozek, in a special Gaza adaptation of Mrozek’s play designed for young (18-30 year olds) audiences in Gaza. The Al Mishal Cultural Centre was the only independent, fully equipped theatre venue in Gaza. It was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike on 9th August 2018.

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب


ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

Read the speakers' bios
Find out more about our THE EMIGRANTS in GAZA project
Find out more about the Gaza Cultural Centre Coalition


UKPalMHN recommends the following article, featuring work by two former speakers at Cafe Palestine, Weeam Hammoudeh and Samah Jabr.

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12:00 PM12:00

سلسلة الندوات الحوارية في علم النفس التحرّريّ وسايكولوجية الإنسان المقهور

دراسة نقدية للمرأة الفلسطينية في السياق الإستعماري الإستيطاني

لا يمكن للرجل أن يتحرر إلا بتحرر المرأة، ولا يمكن للمجتمع أن يرتقي إلا بتحرر وارتقاء أكثر فئاته غبنًا، فالإرتقاء إما أن يكون جماعيًا عامًا أو هو مجرد مظاهر وأوهام

إستكمالاً لسلسلة الندوات الحوارية في علم النفس التحرّريّ وسايكولوجية الإنسان المقهور، ندعوكم  للمشاركة بالندوة الرابعة، وذلك

يوم الاثنين الموافق  16/11/2020 الساعة السابعة مساءاً.

عنوان الندوة: 

 " دراسة نقدية للمرأة الفلسطينية في السياق الإستعماري الإستيطاني " 

ستتحدث في هذا اللقاء 

الدكتورة فردوس عبد ربه العيسى  وستدير اللقاء بروفسور  نادرة كيفوركيان شلهوب. 

وذلك من خلال رابط الزوم

"مشاركتكن/م مساهمة في إنتاج فكريّ تحرريّ أصيل بما يخدم كل من مقدمي الخدمة والمستفيدين منه

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 4236 4342
Passcode: 924056

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12:00 PM12:00

Dr. Samah Jabr at the Palestine Museum US

Event Organized and hosted by the

Palestine Museum

Film Screening

Degrees of Incarceration

Event time

19:00 hrs Palestine Time
12:00 hrs US EST

Dr Samah Jabr will be joining film director (Amahl Bishara) and producer (Nidal Al-Azraq) for the post screening Q&A discussions providing insight into the psychological impact of child incarceration.

Click Here to Register for Event. Free Event but Registration is Required.
Click here to view the film trailer.

The documentary Degrees of Incarceration introduces viewers to a diverse group of Palestinians – mothers, teenagers, children, community leaders – who strive to support each other in the enduring shadow of political prison. Approximately 8,000 Palestinians, including more than 300 children under the age of 18, are currently in Israeli prisons for security reasons; yet this issue rarely receives the political or humanitarian attention many Palestinians believe it deserves.

This film explores the effects of political imprisonment on the Palestinian community of Aida Refugee Camp, in Bethlehem. Through observational footage and interviews filmed over the course of six years, the documentary traces how a group of youth are imprisoned for protesting against the building of the separation wall around their refugee camp, and addresses how imprisonment changes their lives after their release. Scenes of the everyday ways families cope reveal the emotional intensity of this situation. A mother whose sixteen-year-old is in detention voices vociferous support for him until she is overcome with grief over the arrest. Elderly parents awake in the middle of the night to make an arduous journey into Israel to visit their long-imprisoned son.

Yet, this is not centrally a story of Palestinian suffering. A youth organization led by former prisoners produces a play to teach teenagers how to handle interrogation. It also channels youths’ nationalist commitment into activities that will support their community, but diminish their risk of arrest. Aging parents and youth alike take part in processions in solidarity with prisoners on a hunger strike. A children’s dance troupe – several of whose members have had family members in prison – performs at a mother’s otherwise somber commemoration of her son’s twenty years in prison. Two former prisoners, one man and one woman, discuss how they maintained their dignity while in prison. In these ways, the film reveals how community members, old and young, respond with creativity and determination to attend to the social and political toll imprisonment takes on them all.

About the Director

Director Amahl Bishara is an anthropologist who has done research on Palestinian experiences of spatial confinement, and on the production of U.S. news about Palestinians. She received a Certificate in Culture and Media from New York University, where she also received her Ph.D. in anthropology. Producer Nidal Al-Azraq is a student and Arabic teacher who has long been involved with community activism in Aida Refugee Camp, where he was born and raised. This is their first film together, though they are co-authors of the award-winning story book, The Boy and the Wall.

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Health inequity and discrimination before and during Covid-19: the case of 48 Palestinians

Event time

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
11:45 USA EDT


Cafe Palestine is an event organized and hosted by

the UK-Palestine Mental Health Netowrk

Join Meeting

Prof. Nihaya Daoud
Public Health Association in the Arab Society in Israel

Nihaya Daoud is Professor of Public Health. She specialises in health policies, health inequalities and discrimination. She has researched minority and womens health and the effects of violence against women. She will speak to us about the impact of Covid 19 on deepening health inequalities and the specific effects on the Palestinian population in Israel in the context of prolonged institutional discrimination.

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب


ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

Prof. Nihaya Daoud is a social epidemiologist and a professor of public health. She is the founder and director of the Center for Health Equity and Health Promotion at the Faculty of Health Sciences. Prof. Daoud is a co-founder of the Follow up Committee for Health of the Palestinians in Israel and the founder and director of the Public Health Associations for the Arab Society in Israel.

For papers by Prof. Nihaya Daoud, please see:  

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11:45 AM11:45

Café Palestine: The Hands Up Zoom Theatre Company

Event time

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
11:45 USA EDT


Cafe Palestine is an event organized and hosted by

the UK-Palestine Mental Health Netowrk

The Hands Up Zoom Theatre Company
young people from Palestine
making drama out of a crisis


Join Meeting


The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The link with the theatre company will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 60 minutes

In a unique departure for Cafe Palestine we are proud to present live zoom theatre written and performed in English from Palestine by young Palestinians.

The Hands up Project is a UK registered charity, providing English language development for young people in Palestine, through online storytelling, drama and intercultural link ups. We run an annual remote theatre competition and thousands of young people in Palestine have submitted plays for this. The plays are also published in book format and available to buy here.

In Cafe Palestine we will see three live zoom performances:

'I couldn’t say goodbye’ which is made by children in Gaza tells the story of a bereaved mother saying her final words to her son. Created and performed by Iman Ridwan and Marwa Husam from Rimal Prep Girls school B , with support from their teacher Amal Mukhairez.

'An exile inside the home country’ tells the story of the long term impact on the well being of a teenage boy whose father is imprisoned in an Israeli jail. Created and performed by Raw’aa Azem Abu Arra (15), Ola Muhammad Abu Arra(15), Sarah Amjad Abu Arra (13) from the Japanese Primary School for Girls, Tubas, Palestine with support from their teacher Shorouq Daraghmeh

'Oh my home’ is made by children from Gaza and is the universal tragic story of being a refugee, told from the point of view of the sea. Created and performed by Nour Ziada 14, Haya Orouq 14, Rana Al-Basha 14, Farah Abu Obaid 12 and Doaa Abu Sharar 13 from Asmaa Prep School "B” UNRWA school for girls with support from their teacher Haneen Jadalla.

Nick Bilbrough will introduce the plays and lead an online discussion about the pieces and the work of the project after the performances.

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب


ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Gaza Community Mental Health Program


Event time
17:45 pm Palestine Time
15:45 pm UK Time
10:45 am EDT (US Eastern Time)

Join Meeting

Organized by the UK-Palestine Mental Health Network

Cafe Palestine presents Dr. Sami Owaida from the Gaza Community Mental Health Program.Program

The Cafe will open with live music at 10:45am
11 am -  webinar will begin from Gaza
The event is expected to last about 90 minutes

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:<>

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب

See the Palestine Global Network website<> for more information.

ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact<> if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Mental health in the Palestinian camps in Lebanon

Event time
17:45 pm Palestine Time
15:45 pm UK Time
10:45 am EDT (US Eastern Time)

Join Meeting

Organized by the UK-Palestine Mental Health Network

Muna Khalidi Ph.D. is the VP of the Board of Beit Atfal as-Somoud where she oversees the mental health program. She will discuss difficulties faced by Palestinians in Lebanese refugee camps and the impact on their mental health.

To visit the website of The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational training (NISCVT) known as Beit Atfal Assumoud (BAS) click here


The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The link with Lebanon will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب

ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

Other Links

International Affairs: Dr Samah Jabr's reflections on the psychological meanings of the 'normalisation' of Israel's relations with the Gulf monarchies... (published in the Middle East Monitor, this link takes you to the version on the Palestine Global Mental Health Network's website): 

Colonising the Jordan Valley: Ben White reports on Knesset meetings that deliberate on the ethnic cleansing of the Jordan Valley, with an intensification of home demolitions, the destruction of water cisterns, olive trees etc:

Torture, and the attempt to suppress the truth: We missed this report from Adameer, published earlier this year, on the continued use of torture in Israeli prisons, and the attempts by state to block its exposure. 73 Palestinians have died under interrogation since 1967.

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2:00 PM14:00

Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere: Palestine/Israel: Psychoanalytic Perspectives

Palestine-Global Mental Health Network is pleased to announce the panel presentation of Drs. Yasser Abu Jamei, Martin Kemp, Les Levidow, and Sabby Sagall.

Event time:

4:00 pm to 5:30 pm Palestine Time
2:00pm to 3:30pm UK Time
9:00 am to 10:30 am EDT


Psychoanalysis and the Public Sphere: Social Fault Lines

to register follow link



Saturday 26 Sep, 14:00-15:30 BST

Session 5 14:00-15:30 BST
Palestine/Israel: Psychoanalytic Perspectives

Martin Kemp, Sabby Sagall, Yasser Abu Jamei, Les Levidow
Chair: Amal Treacher Kabesh

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10:45 AM10:45

Café Palestine: Bleeding from all Directions

Event time
17:45 pm Palestine Time
15:45 pm UK Time
10:45 am EDT (US Eastern Time)

Join Meeting

About the meeting:
This café will come direct from Palestine Trauma Centre in Gaza. The therapy team there have made some films and set the agenda for what they want to say. The presentation will look at the way therapeutic methods have had to constantly adapt to unstable conditions. Life is fragmented. Each part struggles with a different threat to survival. In the therapy and in our meeting we hope to bring some coherence and manageability to the struggle.

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The link with PCT Gaza will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب

ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

Papers that grew out of the PTC’s work in Gaza:


“Psychological support is vital for Palestinians in Gaza, but the real problems are the occupation, blockade”, an interview with Dr Mohamed Altawil, published in the Middle East Monitor July 2020


“From sumud to intifada: Supporting non‐violent action to enhance mental health”, by David Harrold, part of the special issue on Palestine in the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies (free access):


Visit PTC’s website (and perhaps donate to its work) here:

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7:00 PM19:00

علم النفس التحرري وتطبيقاته في الغرفة العلاجية

ندعوكم للمشاركة في الندوة الثانية من سلسلة الندوات في علم النفس التحرري والتي تقام كل يوم إثنين في الأسبوع الثاني من كل شهر الساعة السابعة مساءاً.

الندوة القادمة بعنوان علم النفس التحرري وتطبيقاته في الغرفة العلاجية. سيتحدث من خلال الندوة الدكتور فتحي فليفل_ عضو مؤسس في الشبكة الفلسطينية العالمية للصحة النفسية، مدير مركز المصادر للصحة النفسية في الهلال الأحمرالفلسطيني، معالج عن طريق الفنون ،مشرف ومقيًم لبرامج علاجية واجتماعية. ستحاوره من خلال الندوة الأخصائية النفسية منى الزهيري، معالجة نفسية وموجهة مجموعات في التواصل التحرري الغير عنيف موعد الندوة: يوم الاثنين القادم، تاريخ 14/9/2020، الساعة السابعة مساءاً عبر تطبيق زوم. نقاشنا وتفكرنا المشترك يسهم في تحويل علم النفس التحرري من خطاب نظري أيديولوجي الى انتاج فكري اصلاني يخدم مقدمي الخدمة كما المستفيدين منها. تأتي هذه الحوارية استكمالاً لما سبقها لتساهم في بناء جسر مرور من النظرية الى التطبيق العملي، ولتلقي نظرة على التحديات التي قد تواجه المعالج والمتعالج خلال السيرورة العلاجية.

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5:45 AM05:45

Café Palestine with Dr. Samah Jabr: The individual and collective impact of incarceration and torture: the Palestinian experience

Meeting time

12:45 pm Palestine Time
10:45 am UK Time
5:45 am US Eastern Time

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ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp.
Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

Dr. Samah Jabr is a psychiatrist who practices in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. She is currently the Head of the Mental Health Unit within the Palestinian Ministry of Health. She has taught in local and international universities. Dr. Jabr often serves as a consultant for international organizations regarding mental health development. She is also a prolific writer and author of the book Beyond the Frontlines, “Derrière les fronts: Chroniques d’une psychiatre psychothérapeute palestinienne sous occupation”, which appeared in both French and Italian.

 Samah featured in the 2017  film ‘Derrieres Les Fronts’, directed by Alexandra Dols, in which she shared her original insights into the state of Palestinian society, and called for international support to the resistance against oppression.

Samah has extensive clinical experience working with the victims of imprisonment and torture, both of children and adults, men and women. For many years she has used the Istanbul Protocol to document cases of torture, and now teaches the Protocol to other clinicians.  

Samah is one of the co-founders of the Palestine Global Mental Health Network

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