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Café Palestine: Bleeding from all Directions

Event time
17:45 pm Palestine Time
15:45 pm UK Time
10:45 am EDT (US Eastern Time)

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About the meeting:
This café will come direct from Palestine Trauma Centre in Gaza. The therapy team there have made some films and set the agenda for what they want to say. The presentation will look at the way therapeutic methods have had to constantly adapt to unstable conditions. Life is fragmented. Each part struggles with a different threat to survival. In the therapy and in our meeting we hope to bring some coherence and manageability to the struggle.

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The link with PCT Gaza will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

نوفر خدمة الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية في مقهى فلسطين لمن يحتاجون إلىها، سيكون هناك  ملخص حصري ومتداول باللغة العربية للعرض والأسئلة والإجابات.

إذا كنت تحتاج إلى الترجمة إلى اللغة العربية، أرسل رسالة إلى الإيميل التالي:

ستتوفر الترجمة من خلال الانضمام إلى مجموعة في تطبيق الواتساب

ARABIC TRANSLATION AT CAFE PALESTINE: Throughout Cafe Palestine there will be a rolling Arabic text summary of the presentation, questions and answers available via Whatsapp. Please contact if you would like to be added to the Whatsapp Arabic translation group.

Papers that grew out of the PTC’s work in Gaza:


“Psychological support is vital for Palestinians in Gaza, but the real problems are the occupation, blockade”, an interview with Dr Mohamed Altawil, published in the Middle East Monitor July 2020


“From sumud to intifada: Supporting non‐violent action to enhance mental health”, by David Harrold, part of the special issue on Palestine in the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies (free access):


Visit PTC’s website (and perhaps donate to its work) here: