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Gaza Children’s Mental Health, Under Siege & Under the Bombs

Event time:

11 am USA EDT
5pm Palestine time
3pm UK time

Under Siege & Under Bombs:
Children's Mental Health in Gaza  

A special program brought to us by the
Palestinian - Christian Alliance for Peace.

Click here to register.

There will be a discussion panel of experts:
Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei, Gaza Community Mental Health Program

Dr. William Slaughter, Gaza Mental Health Foundation, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Jasem Humeid, Psychology Program, Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City

Moderated by Dr. Rukhsana Chaudhry, Director of American Muslim Health Professionals, George Washington University, Dept. of Clinical Psychology

This event is open to the public but you MUST register in advance. For inquiries contact Philip Farah;

Co-Sponsored by: USA Palestine Mental Health Network, UK Palestine Mental Health Network, Palestine-Israel Network of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship, United Church of Christ Palestine-Israel Network, United Methodist Kairos Response, and the Presbyterian Church USA Israel Palestine Mission Network.