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Café Palestine: Popular Resistance and the Refugee Experience”

Event time

17:45 Palestine time
15:45 UK time
10:45 USA EDT

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

Conversation with Munther Amira,
Human Rights Defender direct from Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem

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At our first Café event in 2021 we will be privileged to hear from Human Rights Defender Munther Amira, direct from Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. Munther is a refugee who lives and works in the camp, where he was born. He is the Board Director of the camp's Youth Centre, established in 1968, a social worker, and formerly the General Secretary of the Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists. He is also co-ordinator of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee.

In our conversation, Munther will talk about life in Aida camp, and about how the meaning of occupation emerges from the history of the camp and the experiences of its residents. This will include the story of the Key of Return, which Munther accompanied to the Berlin Art Biennale in 2012.

Munther will explain how, in the face of the incessant violence of the Occupation, he and others respond with an activism based on an ideology of popular, non-violent resistance. In 2017, Munther was given an annual award for popular struggle by Youth Against Settlements.

The Cafe will open with live music
at 3.45pm (UK time) / 5.45pm (Pal time)
The discussion will start at 4.00pm (UK time) / 6.00pm (Pal time)
The whole event is expected to last about 90 minutes

Munther arrested

Munther arrested

Munther facing soldiers

Munther facing soldiers

Tear gas

Tear gas