Vision Statement

The Palestine-Global Mental Health Network views itself as the core of an expanding movement aiming to utilize and amplify Palestinian intellectual and scholarly contributions to mental health and anti-colonial psychology. Our Network spans historic Palestine and the global community in diaspora, and is dedicated to the emancipation of individuals, nations, and the world. Comprising members from diverse mental health and social disciplines worldwide, the Network is committed to developing an ethical and professional stance that embraces all humanity irrespective of nationality or ethnicity. It endeavors to reinforce the essential connection between mental well-being and the principles of freedom, human dignity, and equitable justice; it advocates for those displaced and disenfranchised in a world where humanity should rightly be the first priority. Further, our Network is devoted to fostering and disseminating an authentic discourse on mental health, characterized by self-awareness and openness. We prioritize diverse, inclusive, and empathic therapeutic approaches that focus on the core values of freedom and human rights.

Our efforts include crafting an academic framework that addresses the continued marginalization of the “ongoing Nakba”; contributing to the study of psychological trauma worldwide. We aim to highlight psychological and clinical insights derived from the Palestinian experiences of colonialism, striving to form a global coalition for mental health advocacy that supports Palestinians and all oppressed people globally.

The Palestine Mental Health Networks now have a presence in Australia, Belgium, Brasil, Canada, Chile, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iraq, Ireland, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, South Africa, Sweden, The Netherlands, Tunisia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Our vision for the Network’s international counterparts includes:

  • Persistently addressing the issue of Palestine and the plight of Palestinians within mental health services and professional organizations in their respective countries.

  • Contributing to the dialogue on settler colonialism and mental health in these diverse nations.

  • Supporting the Palestinian call for boycott, sanctions, and divestment (BDS), grounded in international law, democratic values, and anti-racist practices.

Here you will find our vision, information about the network and our description of the symbolism of our logo

Who Are We?

We are Palestinian mental health professionals dispersed throughout the globe. On June 9, 2019, we launched the Palestine-Global Mental Health Network, which is to become an entity that adopts professional and ethical stances uniting the people of Palestine, regardless of their geographical location. The Network aims to promote the ideals of mental wellbeing, liberation, dignity, and social justice for peoples and societies throughout the planet and for Palestinians in particular. By articulating a professional discourse of personal freedom and respect for human rights, it also aims to increase public awareness of psycho-social issues which affect and hinder colonized people’s aspirations for a dignified living. The Network hopes to employ theoretical and pragmatic approaches to promote the understanding of fundamental human needs for liberation, and thus contribute to Palestinian resilience in the face of and resistance to the violence inherent in colonialism.

عن شعار الشبكه

تودّ الشبكة الفلسطينيّة العالميّة للصحّة النفسيّة التعبير عن خالص شكرِها وتقديرِها للمهندسة المعماريّة الفلسطينيّة الكنديّة السيدة رندة طوقان التي قامت بتصميم ورسم الشعار متناغم مع رسالة الشبكة

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بالنسبة للرسالة التي يعبر عنها الشعار تظهر وسطه شجرة الزيتون التي ترمز للصّمود الفلسطينيّ؛ تتوّج الشجرة 48 حبة زيتون و 67 ورقة في إشارة إلى أحداث مفصلية في تاريخ الشعب الفلسطيني، و المتمثلة في النكبة واحتلال الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة من قبل الجيش الإسرائيلي. الشجرة بألوان العلم الفلسطيني في حين يرمز سياج الأسلاك الظاهر أمامها إلى الاحتلال والاضطهاد الذي يتعرض له الشعب الفلسطيني عبر التاريخ إضافةً إلى القيود الثقافيّة و الاجتماعيّة التي تكبّل الصحّة النفسيّة.و تعيق ازدهارها

رغم ذلك، تقف الشجرة عالياً وتشبّ على الأسلاك، في الوقت الذي تضرب جذورها في الأرض في إشارة إلى الأمل الراسخ و المقاوِم من أجل الحرّية و الحياة الإنسانية الكريمة و المبدعة و السعيدة

Our Logo

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Palestine-Global Mental Health Network wishes to express its gratitude and sincere appreciation to the Palestinian-Canadian Architect and designer, Ms. Randa Tukan, for helping the Network develop and produce its logo.

At the center of the logo is an olive tree with protruding roots, which is meant to symbolize the Palestinians’ Sumud (our steadfast perseverance)-- planted in the land and resolved to resist, prosper and flourish. The tree has 67 leaves and 48 olives, which are meant to refer to the years 1967 and 1948, both significant in Palestinian history. The colors of the tree, its leaves and olives are those of the Palestinian flag. A barbwire is placed in front of the tree and is meant to refer to the oppression and colonization of the Palestinian nation. However, in spite of the barbwire, the tree stands tall, towering over the wire and demonstrating our faith that justice and truth will always prevail.