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Café Palestine with Dr. Samah Jabr: The individual and collective impact of incarceration and torture: the Palestinian experience

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12:45 pm Palestine Time
10:45 am UK Time
5:45 am US Eastern Time

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Dr. Samah Jabr is a psychiatrist who practices in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. She is currently the Head of the Mental Health Unit within the Palestinian Ministry of Health. She has taught in local and international universities. Dr. Jabr often serves as a consultant for international organizations regarding mental health development. She is also a prolific writer and author of the book Beyond the Frontlines, “Derrière les fronts: Chroniques d’une psychiatre psychothérapeute palestinienne sous occupation”, which appeared in both French and Italian.

 Samah featured in the 2017  film ‘Derrieres Les Fronts’, directed by Alexandra Dols, in which she shared her original insights into the state of Palestinian society, and called for international support to the resistance against oppression.

Samah has extensive clinical experience working with the victims of imprisonment and torture, both of children and adults, men and women. For many years she has used the Istanbul Protocol to document cases of torture, and now teaches the Protocol to other clinicians.  

Samah is one of the co-founders of the Palestine Global Mental Health Network