Personal reflections and opinion pieces
Reflections from Gaza by mental health clinician Wasseem El Sarraj:
——“Fathers and Sons in Gaza,” The New Yorker, July 26, 2014.
An opinion piece by USA-Palestine Mental Health Network Steering Committee member Rebecca Fadil, Praise for Mandela’s South Africa but silence for Palestine, pages 4-8
Essays by the psychiatrist Samah Jabr describing the emotional, social, and political turmoil imposed by the occupation : an interview from 2014 and additional essays
Essays by mental health clinicians:
Bashir, Hanan, “A Letter from Gaza, June 2018”
Khouri, Lama, “The First Hundred Days: Indefensible”
Khouri, Lama, “Buried Neck Deep”
Ruchama Marton, “Forced Existence,” Mondoweiss, December 21, 2016.
Seikaly, Razan, “Trauma and Identity Development: A Palestinian American Experience,”
The Psychoanalyst Activist Special Edition: 70th Anniversary of the Nakba
Sheehi, Lara, Introduction to the Special Edition
Qossoqsi, Mustafa, Modifying Some Settings on the Smart Phone’s Camera
Web postings exploring the distinctions between anti-Semitism, anti-Jewish racism, and anti-Israel activism:
“Engaging Critics of BDS“Quaker Palestine Israel Network