Message de la Palestine aux États-Unis d'Amérique

Le Palestine Global Mental Health Network condamne avec force les meurtres incessants de palestiniens et de noirs américains imputables aux idéologies racistes et coloniales des gouvernements états-uniens et israéliens qui approuvent et encouragent la violence contre « l'autre ». Tout en reconnaissant les différences de contexte et de circonstances historiques qui caractérisent ces oppressions, nous considérons que les luttes des palestiniens et des noirs Américains se rejoignent. Les régimes, qu'ils ferment les yeux aux meurtres de noirs américains ou de palestiniens, participent de la même mentalité coloniale bâtie sur une idéologie de suprématie.

Le 13 mai, 2020, Mustafa Younis, un homme de 26 ans atteint de troubles psychiatriques, fut tué en présence de sa mère au moment de son entrée dans un hôpital israélien où il devait subir des examens préalable à une chirurgie cérébrale. Le 30 mai, 2020, Eyad Hallaq, un homme de 32 ans diagnostiqué avec un trouble du spectre autistique, fut tué alors qu'il se rendait à son centre d'éducation spécialisée dans la Vieille Ville de Jérusalem Est. La balle qui le tua fut tirée de près, malgré qu'il se trouvait déjà gisant au sol, avec une première balle dans la jambe. Ni Younis ni Hallaq ne pouvait représenter une quelconque menace pour la vie des policiers qui les ont tués. On les a assassinés uniquement parce qu'ils étaient des palestiniens. En tant que professionnel.le.s de la santé mentale, nous insistons sur les meurtres de Younis et de Hallaq parce qu'ils souffraient de troubles mentaux-- et parce que leurs handicaps ne les ont pas protégés contre le meurtre. Ces crimes incessants contre des palestiniens ne sont point des actes uniques mais le résultat d'une idéologie raciste qui encourage la violence contre les membres de notre communauté palestinienne.

Il s'agit de crimes d'état visant à éliminer le peuple palestinien : les victimes palestiniennes ne présentent souvent aucune menace, et la plupart du temps, les responsables ne sont pas poursuivis ou, au mieux, s'en sortent avec une tape sur la main.

Le 25 mai, 2020, George Floyd, un noir américain de 46 ans, fut assassiné par un officier de police blanc. Floyd, menotté et couché, visage au sol, a répété les mots, « Je ne peux respirer », jusqu'à ce qu'il perde conscience. La scène fut captée par plusieurs portables. Sa mort fut le résultat de la structure raciste et oppressive du système policier états-unien qui laisse faire ces crimes. Que l'on ne se trompe pas – ces actes meurtriers contre les noirs américains et contre les palestiniens ne sont pas des incidents isolés. Les politiques israéliennes de nettoyage ethnique visent à éradiquer l'existence de la Palestine -- et le racisme systémique aux USA contribue activement à la destruction des noirs américains. Ces crimes non sanctionnés par l'état se nourrissent d'une idéologie qui marque au fer rouge les palestiniens et les noirs comme « autre » – un « autre » dont l'existence même constitue une « menace » et dont la vie ne compte pas ; une telle idéologie met, en effet, tout « autre » en danger de disparition.

Nous ne voulons pas procéder à des équivalences approximatives entre la souffrance d'un peuple opprimé et celle d'un autre ; cependant,poursuivant la lutte pour notre libération, nous reconnaissons que la nôtre en tant que ne saurait s'accomplir sans celle d'autres peuples opprimés. La déshumanisation systématique et la discrimination contre les individus sur la base de leur couleur de peau, leur religion, ou leur ethnicité n'est ni sporadique ni contingente. Nous, les professionnel.le.s de la santé mentale en Palestine, croyons fermement que les coupables ne sont pas ce qui ont activé la gâchette, mais les mentalités hégémoniques, racistes et coloniales, pour qui la vie d'un arabe est superflue. Pour la puissance coloniale israélienne, « le seul bon arabe est un arabe mort ». La brutalité des forces coloniales israéliennes devient chaque jour plus évidente pour le monde entier et il faut la faire cesser. Nous demandons à nos collègues dans les professions de la santé mentale – individus et organisations – de prendre position et de nous aider à préserver les vies et la dignité des vulnérables et des opprimés. Il s'agit de nos valeurs morales les plus fondamentales ; c'est en vertu de celles-ci que nous avons choisi notre vocation.

Nous vous appelons donc à :

  • Condamner les meurtres de palestiniens et de noirs américains,

  • Défaire les systèmes d'oppression et d'injustice en obligeant les responsables à rendre compte de leurs crimes.

  • Faire cesser « l'échange mortel » par lequel on envoie des policiers des USA, du Brésil, de la

  • France et d'autres pays, à s'entraîner avec les forces militaires israéliens, échangeant des tactiques qui facilitent des pratiques policières discriminatoires et répressives.

  • Demander que l'on mette fin à l'aide militaire d'un montant de 3,8 milliards que fournit les

  • États Unis à Israël, utilisé pour réduire à néant le peuple palestinien.

  • Exiger que l'on cesse toute collaboration avec des organisations académiques et professionnelles qui, depuis des décennies, ont promu et contribué aux politiques d'apartheid


  • Mettre toute pression possible sur les organisations professionnelles de santé mentale pour qu'elles ne tiennent pas leurs colloques et autres rencontres en Israël.

يان "الشبكة الفلسطينيّة العالمية للصحة النفسية" يدين توحّش التدمير الاستعماري للحياة الفلسطينيّة

تدين "الشبكة الفلسطينيّة العالمية للصحة النفسية" بأشد لهجات الإدانة توحّش التدمير الاستعماري للحياة الفلسطينيّة قتلاً و عنفاً بنيوياُ ممنهجاً وهدماً للبيوت و تهجيراً عن الأرض.

يجد الإنسان الفلسطينيّ الأصلانيّ نفسه مطالباً، تحت تهديد السلاح العنصريّ القاتل، بالانسحاب من إنسانيته و من فلسطينيته نحو حياة ممنوعةٍ من التنفّس و الأمل و مدفوعةٍ إلى استجداء الحياة.

إلاّ أنّ الاستعمار في نسخته الاسرائيليّة، لم يستهدف يوماً الجسد الفلسطينيّ فحسب و إنّما وضع نصب أعينه المعتِمة و الحاقدة قتل الذات الفلسطينيّة على تعدّد أشكال تحدّياتها و معاناتها و حصانتها النفسيّة، في رسالة لا تختلف في جوهرها العنصريّ النازع للإنسانيّة الكاتم لأنفاسها و أصواتها عن تلك التي تصدر منذ قرون عن الجريمة المستمرّة في حقّ الأفارقة الأمريكيين، و التي لم يكن المشهد المروّع و المحطم للقلب في مينيابوليس سوى فصله الأحدث. ينضمّ جورج فلويد إلى إياد خيري الحلاّق و مصطفى يونس، الشابّين الفلسطينيين ذوي التحديات النفسيّة، و غيرهم من الضحايا أبناء عائلة المعذّبين في الأرض التي تئنّ و تقاوم و تموت تحت وطأة الظلم و العنصرية و الاستعمار.

بتاريخ 13-05-2020 أُعدم المريض النفسي مصطفى يونس وهو في مستشفى تل هشومير الذي توجه إليه للفحص النفسي. قُتل مصطفى على مرأى من والدته وأمام عشرات عناصر الشرطة والحرس حين كان ممدّدا على الأرض دون أن يشكل أي خطر يستلزم قتله. بتاريخ 30-05-2020 تم أيضًا إعدام الشاب الذي يعاني من التوحّد إياد الحلاق في القدس وهو في طريقه لمدرسته صباحا كالمعتاد. لم يفهم إياد صراخ الجنود، ذعر منهم فلاحقوه مئات الامتار ووجدوه مختبئا مرتجفا وأعزلا مفترشاً الأرض، فرموه 8 رصاصات من خلال رشاش م 16 دون أي تردد. أُعدم الشابان بدم بارد لانهما عربيان فلسطينيان، وقبلهم استشهد عشرات الفلسطينيين ذوي التحدّيات النفسيّة و الذهنيّة دون أن تشفع لهم بطاقة الاحتياجات الخاصة بشيء، الأمر الذي ينافي جميع اتفاقيات حقوق الانسان وحقوق ذوي الإعاقة التي تضمنها المواثيق الدولية.

تتشابه سياسة التصفيات – تصفية "الآخر الذي ليس منا"- في كل من إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة الامريكية، حيث قام هنالك شرطي بقتل المواطن الامريكي من أصول أفريقية جورج فلويد في 25-05-2020 وهو أعزل يستصرخ جموعا من عشرات "المشاهدين" أن يُسمح له بالتنفس. فلويد هو الآخر الـ "ليس أبيضا" في أمريكا، وفي بلادنا فلسطين الآخر هو كل من "ليس يهوديا"، وهذا ما يجعله هدفا مباحا للقتل المتعمّد.

في نظر المستعمِر الاسرائيليّ الجسد الفلسطينيّ مفرطٌ في وجوده و حركته و فائض عن الحاجة و عن استحقاق الحياة و الحرّية و الأرض التي ينتمي إليه بكلّ جوارحه.

لا يمكن فصل الصحّة الجسديّة و النفسيّة للفلسطينيّين عن واقعهم الاستعماريّ المتوحّش الذي يثابر في نهش لحمهم و روحهم و إنسانيّتهم، و يطلق النار، فعلاً و مجازاً، على حيويتهم كما على هشاشتهم النفسيّة، على صحّتهم كما على مرضهم، على قدراتهم كما على احتياجاتهم الخاصّة.

نحن، مهنيو الصحة النفسية في فلسطين، نرى أنّ يتحمّل مسئوليّة هذه الجرائم وراء هذه ليست الإصبع التي ضغطت على الزناد وإنما منظومة ثقافية عنصرية متكاملة قائمة على فكرة التفوق العرقي التي تحط من قيمة الانسان الفلسطيني وترى بمجرد وجوده في بلاده تهديدا لتسهيل "الثأر" منه وهدر دمه. في إسرائيل، يستفيض هذا الفكر الاستعماري العنصري فيدين الضحية ويمجّد المجرم الذي يتملّص من أية محاسبة قضائية أو أخلاقية .

نطالب المجتمع الدولي عموما، ومهنيي الصحة النفسية على وجه الخصوص، بالخروج علناً عن صمتهم وحيادهم تجاه سياسة الإعدامات هذه، و إدانة الفكر العنصري الذي يقف من وراءها مدجّجاً بكل الوسائل الإعلامية والقضائية والتربوية والفكرية المتاحة، والوقوف ضد الجرائم التي ترتكبها اسرائيل في فلسطين، وحماية المرضى النفسيين وذوي التحدّيات من الجرائم ضد الانسانية التي ترتكب بحقهم، في كل زمان ومكان.

لا بوصلة لمهنتنا العلاجية سوى الاحتفاء بكرامة الإنسان وكينونته و ذاتيته و الدفاع عن حقه في العيش حراً في عالم عادل و آمن، عالم يفضح الشرّ و يتصدّى له و يحمي الحياة الإنسانية، و حاصّة تلك التي تتألم و تناضل و تتحدّى قيود النفس و أعباءها و تتلمّس طريقها الفريد في العالم.

From Palestine to the U.S., the Palestine-Global Mental Health Network condemns the murders of Palestinians and Black Americans

The Palestine-Global Mental Health Network condemns the continued murders of Palestinians and Black Americans that are the result of racist and colonial ideologies of the Israeli and U.S. governments that endorse violence against the “other.” While we recognize the difference in context and historical circumstances of our oppressions, we believe that the struggles for liberation of both Palestinians and Black Americans are intertwined.

The regimes which sanction the killings of Blacks in the U.S.A and Palestinians share the same settler-colonial mentality built on supremacy.

On May 13, 2020, Mustafa Younis, a 26-year-old man suffering from a psychiatric disorder, was killed in the presence of his mother while trying to enter an Israeli hospital to undergo psychiatric examination prior to brain surgery. On May 30, 2020, Eyad Hallaq, a 32-year old man diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, was killed while he was heading to his education center in the Old City in East Jerusalem. Eyad was shot and killed from close range, although he was incapacitated lying on the floor, having already sustained a shot in the leg.

Both Younis and Hallaq could not have realistically posed a threat to the lives of the officers who killed them. They were murdered merely because they were Palestinians. As mental health professionals, we’re highlighting the murders of Younis and Hallaq because they suffered from mental health problems, and their disabilities did not shield them from being murdered. However, these perpetual crimes against Palestinians are not lone acts but the result of a racist ideology that sanctions violence against members of our Palestinian community. It is state-sanctioned crimes that aim to eliminate the Palestinian people: often Palestinian victims do not pose a threat and, more often than not, the perpetrators are either not prosecuted or get away with a slap on the wrist.

On May 25, 2020 George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black American man was murdered by a white police officer, in full view of multiple cameras, Floyd was handcuffed lying face down, uttering the words “I can’t breathe,” until he lost consciousness. His death was a result of the oppressive, racist structure of U.S. policing that condones such crimes.

Make no mistake, these acts of murder against Black Americans and Palestinians are not isolated incidents. Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing aim at eliminating Palestinian existence, and systemic racism in the United States actively leads to acts of murder against Black Americans. These state-sanctioned crimes are fueled by an ideology that brands Palestinians and Blacks as the "other" whose mere existence is a ‘threat’ and whose life does not matter; this ideology puts every "other" at risk of being eliminated.

We do not want to crudely equate the suffering of one oppressed people with another; however, as we continue to struggle for our liberation, we recognize that our own liberation as Palestinians cannot be achieved without the liberation of other oppressed people.

The systematic dehumanization and discrimination of people based on their skin color, religion, or ethnicity is neither sporadic nor incidental. We, Palestinian Mental Health professionals, believe the perpetrators are not those who pulled the trigger, but hegemonic, racist, and colonial mentalities to whom Arab life is dispensable. For the Israeli colonial force, the only ‘a good Arab is a dead Arab’.

The brutality of Israel's colonial forces is becoming ever clearer worldwide and needs to be stopped. We call on our colleagues in the mental health professions—both individuals and organizations—to take a stand and help us preserve the lives and dignities of the vulnerable and oppressed. These are our core morals and values; this is why we chose this vocation.

We call upon you to:

  • Condemn the murders of Palestinians and Black Americans.

  • Dismantle the systems of oppression and injustice by holding accountable those responsible.

  • End the “deadly exchange,” through which police from the U.S.A., Brazil, France and other countries are sent to train with the Israeli military, exchanging tactics that promote discriminatory and repressive policing.

  • Demand an end to the annual $3.8 billion in U.S. foreign military aid to Israel, used to suppress Palestinians.

  • Call for an end to the collaboration with academic and professional organizations that have for decades aided and abetted Israel's apartheid policies.

  • Lobby the professional mental health organizations not to hold their conferences in Israel.

Mental Health Training in the Service of Israeli Violence Towards Palestinians.

Issued January 18, 2020

The Palestine-Global Mental Health Network (PGMHN) strongly condemns the recent decision of the Israeli Ministry of Health to award to “Ariel University” the bid for organizing and implementing a Continuing Professional Development program in mental health-- a program which will be required for Palestinian psychologists who live in Israel, among others. “Ariel University” is located within the Israeli settlement of Ariel, a settlement built on Palestinian land within the town of Salfit in the West Bank that has been occupied since 1967. PGMHN finds it particularly egregious and cynical that one of the courses claims to address the issue of “cultural sensitivity” in the context of psychotherapy and mental health services. We view this as yet another attempt to entrench the racist and dehumanizing settler-colonial discourse.

It is hard to overlook the derisive contradiction apparent in locating a program ostensibly supportive of mental health and cultural sensitivity within a context of overt violence and human rights violations.

Furthermore, the promotion of this program violates several core principles of the Mental Health profession’s code of ethics, including, among other things, first do no harm; safeguarding individual dignity and justice; and maintaining integrity of practice. This program by its very nature legitimizes, normalizes, and white-washes the Israeli occupation and its escalating practices of political, racial, and cultural repression.

Against this backdrop, PGMHN is calling on:

  • Our Palestinian colleagues to be alert and hold on to their moral compass in resisting the occupation of the Palestinian mind.

  • Our colleagues internationally to condemn this hypocritical policy and to exert pressure on the Israeli government to reverse it.

  • PGMHN further calls on our colleagues worldwide to support the right of Palestinian mental health professionals to obtain relevant training opportunities without assaulting their human, cultural, and political dignity and without forcibly involving them in a settler-colonial project which targets and mars the identity and consciousness of their people.

JANUARY 18, 2020

P-GMHN Statement on the Demolition of Sur Bahir

Issued on July 30, 2019

We, the Palestine-Global Mental Health Network (PGMHN), call upon the international mental health community to join us in holding Israel accountable for its violent and oppressive actions in Palestine—including the imminent threat of displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from East Jerusalem (see UN report on home demolitions).

One such action took place during the early hours of July 22, 2019, when hundreds of Israeli soldiers demolished the Palestinian neighborhood of Sur Bahir in the outskirts of occupied Jerusalem. Nearly a hundred Palestinian men, women, and children were ejected from their homes before dawn and forced to watch helplessly while their residences were demolished and their belongings and livelihoods destroyed (see UN report on Sur Bahir). To add to the Palestinians’ devastation and humiliation, the Israeli soldiers who executed the demolition were videotaped rejoicing at this transgression(see Mondoweiss report on the video).

These recent massive house demolitions present yet another stark and painful example of escalating colonial Israeli expansionist policy in clear violation of international agreements and laws as well as violation of the Oslo Accord. In fact, during the first four months of 2019, Israel demolished more Palestinian homes than during the entire 12 months of 2018(see UN report on home demolitions).

Israel’s relentless attacks on Palestinians’ basic human rights, freedom, dignity, and safety have gone on for more than 71 years. In this way, the Palestinian Nakbah (Catastrophe) has been occurring daily since 1948. Yet the Israeli colonialist policies of ethnic cleansing, forcible displacement, and apartheid practice amount to war crimes according to UN experts (see UN report). Such dehumanizing policies have been a systematic assault on the core of Palestinian selfhood—their resilience and steadfastness in the face of relentless oppression, their emotional and psychological survival. All of these policies have resulted in intergenerational psychological trauma and catastrophic psychosocial consequences.

We at PGMHN hope that our colleagues everywhere will join us in taking a moral stance and an active role in bringing an end to Israel’s persistent onslaught on the Palestinians.

The Steering Committee
The Palestine-Global Mental Health Network

USA-Palestine Mental Health Network Supports Palestine-Global Mental Health Network on Ariel University

Issued January 21, 2020

The USA-Palestine Mental Health Network endorses the January 2020 statement issued by the Palestine-Global Mental Health Network, in support of their objection to the Israeli Ministry of Health having entered into an agreement with Ariel University to provide courses in Continuing Professional Education. One component of this program involves training in "cultural sensitivity."

Extraordinary insensitivity is manifest however in the fact that the host institution of Ariel University is located within a settlement in the West Bank, which has been occupied since 1967. Such a course by its very nature would undermine the cultural identity of the Palestinian people, making a mockery of the principles of education as well as the principles of humanity and best practice exemplified by the field of mental health.

We would ask the Israeli Ministry of Health to reconsider its decision and to be genuinely sensitive to the issues raised by the Palestine-Global Mental Health Network. We encourage mental health clinicians in the USA and globally to join this call.

Steering Committee
USA-Palestine Mental Health Network
January 21, 2020